Institute House

north entrance
Institute House is the original house of the complex, dating from 1782, and fronting on to the main road through the village. Self-contained, it's function is mainly that of accommodation for both residents and guests, with bedrooms upstairs and reception rooms to the ground floor.
There are rooms to the front providing space to relax, with the Blue Room as a small library and reading area, and the Red Room providing a private space for audio/visual material. Side doors give access to the private yard, and rear doors to the private patio, seating areas and gardens.
The Blue Room is a quiet, relaxing space intended for private reading and study. It has a small library of fiction and non-fiction books and reference material which is constantly being added to.
The room itself is double aspect to the front and side, providing plenty of daylight. It is tastefully and comfortably furnished in a classical style, with heating supplied by central heating radiators, and also the option of using a beautiful open fire.
There is also opportunity to research with wi-fi connected internet access via laptop computer or tablet.

blue room

red room
The Red Room is situated on the opposite side of the front entrance hall, and is intended for use as an intimate, relaxing and private space, to listen to audio, or view video material.
A library of music, film and video is available for use. Audio material can be played via the dedicated hi-fi system, which accommodates various audio formats such as CD, minidisc, tape and vinyl.
Film, TV or other video material can be viewed via a 40" flat-screen television, with a video system which accommodates a variety of formats, as well as linking to computer or Apple TV. Audio output via the system's 5:1 cinema surround sound.
Institute House has separate side entrance doors to and from the private yard, providing direct access from other areas such the Cottage or Barn studios to the Red and Blue rooms, without going through other parts of the house.
The private yard, studio buildings and gardens are accessible via the large double gates to the street, also allowing vehicular access. The gates also incorporate a separate pedestrian-only side gate.
The attractive gardens and rest areas to the rear of the house and barn can be accessed via steps up from the rear of the yard, or via the french doors and patio of the house.